

Monday, May 28, 2012

News From the Front

"The flowers that bloom in the spring tra la"...here is the sequence of their blooming:
  1. Crocus
  2. Narcissus (daffodils)
  3. Tulips
  4. Iris
  5. Peonies
Here in southwest NH we are rapidly moving to the peony season - a few weeks early. (Read my previous post if you want to know more of the joys of having peonies in your yard.) While spring is still around I would like to have you dear reader take a backward glance at the glorious tulips that graced my back yard two weeks ago.
This year I decided to plant two beds of tulips. You can see the new stone wall in the background. I put a 3' wide bed in the front of it, and then wasn't sure what to plant permanently. Why not try some peony flowering tulips? I asked myself. These yellow beauties are called Mount Tacoma. They lasted quite a while and their cheery faces didn't succumb to bad weather. 

This mixture of tulips are Temple of Beauty and its offspring Blushing Beauty. They were stunning when the late afternoon sun turned them translucent. The colors also harmoized well with the brick patio. I plant the bulbs in the fall and after they bloom, I remove the bulbs and put in annuals. This year I am experimenting with keeping the peony flowering tulips one more year. I just planted the annuals around them and will wait until they die back completely. I gave some of the others away, and took the rest to the recycling center. It may seem like a big extravagance for just one year, but they are so beautiful. I order from a wholesale firm in Connecticut, http://www.vanengelen.com/index.html, and that helps with the cost. I got 300 tulips in all. After all if you are going to do it, might as well make a big splash.

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