

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Progress Report

A strange spring weather-wise, In the last week of May we went from freezing cold to 90 degree weather. Still, the yard has looked beautiful, the flowering crabapples and magnolias were the best they have been in years. My yard is bearing the fruit of previous hard work. All of my plants are happy and filling out. The beds look full for the first time in years. I thought I would show you some progress pictures. If you click on the first picture, I think you can see them all full screen.
first purchases of the season

best year for magnolias

boxwood in April

EARLY MAY: Tulips are up, this year a bold mixture. The crabapples lasted for a week with a lovely fragrance, and the blossoms of Cornus florida "Appalachian Blush" has taken the place of the magnolias. These dogwoods are susceptible to a blight, but I am taking my chances in the belief that there are no others like it for miles.


Redbud blooming and boxwood are on a growing tear.
LATE MAY: The tulips are going, still beautiful in their decay. I bought some Hick's yews from the Job Lot, and have them in temporary pots on either side of the gliding bench. Kind of like the look. the Heuchera (coral bells) planted in April are blooming. New annuals are ready to go in the beds and pots, and the flower beds, so puny in April are full and lush now.


Annuals take the place of tulips

these are the tiny nymph flowers of the kousa dogwood.
They will double in size over a few weeks and turn pink.

the viburnum are blooming

Oops, some things have been neglected since fall

the lilac bush next to the stairs is a Korean lilac, meyerii palibin,
superb fragrance, a beautiful shape and bronze fall color.

 So hope that your spring and summer plants bring you beauty and joy this year. I will report back on the peonies that should be blooming by the end of the week.



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